Welcome to the HemeOncBuddy app!
General Information
Research in Hematology and Oncology has seen a remarkable growth with a significant amount of treatment advancements in recent years. Keeping up with recent literature has become more challenging. In the HemeOncBuddy app you can find the most important and practice-changing clinical trials in Hematology and Oncology.
The goal of this product is to make clinical trial information easily available for quick reference. The trial summaries are organized in a unique simplified way to provide all the pertinent information on one page. Every trial summary includes background information with inclusion criteria for the population of interest. The exclusion criteria are included if the editor deems them to be important or different from other trials. Every unique summary has information on the primary endpoints, median follow up, and the outcomes on primary endpoints. Secondary endpoints, subgroup analysis and adverse events (AE) were included if found to be important or interesting. All results are presented in the same order of experimental arms: e.g., mPFS: 10.2 mo. vs 12.7 mo. with HR 0.63, 95% CI 0.44-0.82, P=.0002 means that mPFS for arm A was 10.2 months and mPFS for arm B was 12.7 months. In other words, information on the experimental arm is usually reported first and on the control arm, usually reported second or last. The database is updated frequently. New articles will automatically appear in the database of the app.
To update the database just scroll the trials list down on the main page to see refreshing sign as shown below.

Terms and Conditions
By using the HemeOncBuddy app you signify your agreement to following terms of use and conditions. Please review our terms and conditions regularly as we may modify them periodically. You agree to be bound by any changes of terms and conditions when you use the HemeOncBuddy app.
The HemeOncBuddy app is for educational purposes only and cannot be a substitute for medical advice, clinical judgment, or medical decision making. The HemeOncBuddy app cannot replace independent reading of the original articles and national guidelines. The HemeOncBuddy app should not be used as a guide to diagnose or treat the patient. The HemeOncBuddy app excludes and negate all warranties that information in this app is current, complete, or accurate. All information provided in this app is based on editors’ independent interpretations of the articles and may contain errors; inaccuracies may be due to changes in the field of Hematology and Oncology or be the result of human error. This product is provided on an "as is" basis without warranties of any kind, express or implied. The HemeOncBuddy app waives any liability or responsibility for any damages or injury arising from any information, idea, or instruction contained in HemeOncBuddy app. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem or condition, please contact a qualified health care professional immediately or call 911.
Unless otherwise noted, all material on HemeOncBuddy app is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Please e-mail us for permission to reproduce or redistribute material from this app in another publication or website. We want to protect the content of the HemeOncBuddy app and prevent it from being misused or copied by other individuals or organizations that could potentially sell, reproduce, or redistribute material from HemeOncBuddy app in some other mobile app or website.
HemeOncBuddy app uses Firebase based Google Analytics which collects anonymous user data (viewed articles, time spent on each article, use of hyperlinks, type of mobile devices and operating systems). This data cannot be used to identify users. This data may be used for content development and for research purposes. More information can be found on Firebase data collection at the following link. Using HemeOncBuddy app you might be directed to the third-party website, we are not responsible for the third-party policies, terms of use and conditions, including cookies policy.
Contributors and editors.
When submitting educational material to the HemeOncBuddy app, contributors must comply with applicable copyright law. Contributors grant HemeOncBuddy app a worldwide, royalty-free, non-expiring, and non-exclusive license to reproduce, modify, adapt, and publish the submitted content. We are strictly against plagiarism and do not accept copy pasted material, all submitted articles will undergo stringent review. If you are interested in becoming a contributor or editor, please contact us via email. To become a contributor, you must submit at least 10 new summaries of clinical trials. To become an editor, you must submit at least 50 new summaries. And to become a chief editor, you must submit at least 50 new summaries and be an active contributor for more than 2 years or you must submit at least 100 new summaries. All submitted summaries must be submitted in a specific format that will be emailed to you once you contact us.
mFollow Up: Median Follow Up
mPFS: Median Progression Free Survival
TTP: Time to Progression
DFS: disease free survival
RR: Response Rate
CR: Complete Response
PR: Partial Response
OS: Overall Survival
HR: Hazard Ratio
CI: Confidence Interval
Time: yr: year; mo: month; wk: week; d: day
ECOG: Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group
RECIST: Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors
vs: versus (Arm A (experimental) vs Arm B (control))
AE: Adverse events
* - new trial, with preliminary results from conference, no PMID yet
** - ongoing trial, no results yet.
E-mail: hemeoncbuddy@gmail.com